1. Name                                       :        DR. RITU AHLAWAT


  1. Designation                               :        Associate Professor (Geography)


  1. Area of Specialization               :        Water Resources


  1. Academic Qualification             :        B.A.(Hons.), M.A. (Goldmedallist), M.Phil, Ph.D.

S. No.

Name of Examination

Year of






Sec. School



Sant Nirankari Girls Sr. Sec School

1st position in School


Sr. Sec School



Govt. Girls Sr. Sec School,

Roop Nagar No. 1

-Science Stream


B.A (Hons.) Geography



Miranda House,

University of Delhi

2nd Position in Univ.


M.A. (Geography)



Deptt. of Geography,

Delhi School of Economics,

Univ. of Delhi

Univ. Gold Medal


M.Phil (Geography)




-1st position


Ph.D. (Geography)




Excellent Remarks


  1. Work Experience:

Name of Institution





Pay Scale


1.    Department of Geography,

      University of Delhi

Junior Research




2500 p.m./-

2.    Kamala Nehru College,

(University of Delhi)






3.    Miranda House,

(University of Delhi)






4.    –do-







5.    –do-








with AGP 8000)

6.       –do-






with AGP 9000

















  1. Research work

          Topic of Dissertation/Thesis

          M.Phil.                   “Water Resource Potential and Utilisation in Bundelkhand”

Ph.D.           “Hydrological Data Network Analysis for Water Resource Planning in Lower Yamuna Basin: A Case Study of Betwa River Catchment”


Published research papers/articles:


*  An Optimum Assessment of Rainfall Data in the Betwa and Ken River Catchments: The Bundelkhand Region”, Annals of National Association of Geographers of India, Vol. XIX, No. 2, Dec, 1999, pp. 72-102 (co-author Prof. B. Thakur)


*  Hydrological Regions in the Bundelkhand: The Catchments of Betwa and Ken Rivers”, Annals of National Association of Geographers of India, Vol. XX, No. 1, June, 2000, pp. 27-50.


*  E-Learning in Land Record Information System in India”, Proceedings of FIG International Workshop on Sharing Good Practices: E-learning in Surveying, Geo-information Sciences and Land Administration. Encschede, The Netherlands, 11-13 June 2008. (http://


* Space-Time Variation in Rainfall and Runoff: Upper Betwa Catchment”, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Science Index, 47, 4(11), 2010, pp. 612-618. (


*  Concept of Natural Systems in Physical GeographyAssociation for Geographical Studies, Study Material Series, 2013, Paper –VII, pp. 1-14. (


*  Morphometry and Network of Hydrological Stations: Betwa River Catchment”, in M.D. Nandeshwar,, 2013 (Eds.) Sustainable Natural Resources Management under Changing Climate Scenarios, Proceedings of the Third International Geography Congress, Centre for Water Resources Development and Management, Kerela, pp. 146-152. Allied Pub: New Delhi.


*  Hydrological Data Network Modelling using Artificial Neural Network in Betwa Catchment”, International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering, Vol. 3, Issue 6, Jan 2014, pp. 132-134. (


*  Optimality of Groundwater Data Network in Betwa River Catchment”, Researchjournali’s Journal of Geography, Vol. 1, No. 4, May 2014, pp. 1-13. (


*  Geostatistical Approach in Spatial Estimates of Rainfall: Betwa River Catchment”, International Journal of Advancement in Remote Sensing, GIS and Geography, Vol.2, No.1, 2014, pp. 45-61. (


*  Pixel-Wise Surface Water Balance Computation: Lower Yamuna Basin”, International Journal of Advanced Remote Sensing and GIS, Vol. 3, Issue 1, 2014, pp. 627-641. (


*   Seasonal Monitoring using Harmonic Analysis of Water Quality in Lower Yamuna Basin”, Universal Journal of Environmental Research and Technology, Vol. 4, Issue 1, 2014, pp. 12-24. (


*  Use of GIS in optimal spatial network of hydrological data in Betwa river catchment”, International Journal of Geomatics and Geosciences, Vol. 4, No. 4, 2014, pp. 645-660. (


*  Catchment Pollution Potential and Pattern of Ground Water Quality”, Journal of Water Resource Engineering and Management, Vol. 1, Issue 2, 2014, pp. 19-27. (


  1. Participations in conferences, seminars, workshops:


a) Participated and Paper presented:

*  Water Balance in Bundelkhand Region: A Comparison of Climatological Approach”, in IXth Conference Indian Institute of Geomorphologists held at University of Delhi, 30 Jan-1 Feb, 1998 (Abstract on 150 p in Souvenir Vol. With Prof. B. Thakur)

*  “Hydrological Regions in the Bundelkhand Catchments of Betwa and Ken Rivers” in 21st Indian Geography Congress held at NBSS & LUP Nagpur, 2-4 January, 2000

*  “Water Resource Assessment and Utilisation in Upper Betwa Basin” in 88th Session (Earth System Section) of the Indian Science Congress held at Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Delhi, 3-7 January, 2001

*  “Water Resource in 21st Century: Whose Domain?” in First Annual Seminar of Association for Geographical Studies, University of Delhi, 31 March, 2001

*  “Hydrological Monitoring” in 23rd Indian Geography Congress held at Dr. Hari Singh Gaur University, Sagar, December 28-30, 2001


(b) Participation in conferences/workshops/training programmes:

*  Attended a three week training programme for Delhi University Teachers on  Windows’95, MS Word and MS PowerPoint”, Delhi University Computer Centre, 7-24 Dec, 1998


*  Attended two days workshop at British Council, Delhi, Dec 1998 on “How to Lecture” by Prof. Phillip Thomas, Cardiff Law School, U.K.


*  Attended an GIS-cum-Remote Sensing Exhibition  and Conference “MAP INDIA 1999”, 6-7 February,  Hotel Intercontinental, New Delhi, 1999


*  Attended one week training programme for Delhi University Teachers on “Internet Concept and its Application”, Delhi University Computer Centre, 24-28 May, 1999


*  Participated and worked in organizing committee of the “National Seminar on Urban Issues – A Cluster Meeting IDPAD-ICSSR Research ProjectDept. of Geography, University of Delhi, 1999


*  Attended three week training programme for Delhi University Teachers on “Visual Basic Programming”, Delhi University Computer Centre, 3-25 Oct, 1999


*  Attended an GIS-cum-Remote Sensing Exhibition “MAP INDIA 2000”, 11-12 April, Taj Palace Hotel, New Delhi, 2000


*  Worked with field dissemination team and attended “CIDA-SICI Partnership Project Dissemination Workshop”, Department of Geography, University of Delhi, 3-4 November, 2000


*  Participated in First Bhoovigyan Vikas Foundation International Conference on “Sustainable Development and Sustainable Life Style”, New Delhi April 22-24, 2001


*  Attended an GIS-cum-Remote Sensing Exhibition “MAP INDIA 2002”, 7-8 February, Taj Palace Hotel, New Delhi, 2002


*  Participated in Second Annual Seminar of Association for Geographical Studies, University of Delhi, 9th March, 2002


*  Participated in Second International Conference of Bhoovigyan Vikas Foundation on “Sustainable Agriculture, Water and Earth Care Policies” SCOPE Complex, New Delhi, 18-20 December, 2002


*  Attended ‘Bhatnagar Awardees’ paper presentation at Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi, 9th July, 2003


*  Attended India’s Exclusive National Environment & Wildlife Film Festival- “Vatavaran-2003” at India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi Nov. 19, 2003


*  Participated in UGC-SAP Seminar on “Resource and Regional Planning: Issues and Challenges” Dept. of Geography, University of Delhi, 4-5 December, 2003


*  Participated in Seminar on “Mega Cities Fringe Dynamism” Dept. of Geography, Aditi Mahavidayala, University of Delhi, 30-31 January, 2004


*  Participated as Resource person in Workshop for Geography School Teachers on “Remote Sensing and Spatial Technology” Dept. of Geography, Miranda House, University of Delhi, 5-8 April, 2004


*  Participated in XXVI Indian Geography Congress of National Association of Geographers of India on “Regional Development: Vision 2020” Dept. of Geography, M.D. University, Rohtak, 4-6 November, 2004.


*  Completed a two-week course on “Database using MS Access” at DUCC at Delhi Univ. Computer Center from 17-28 Jan. 2004.


*  Participated as Rapporteur in the 16th Grassroots Politics Colloquium on “Water” at Developing Countries Research Centre, University of Delhi, March 2005.


*  Participated as Rapporteur in technical session of UGC-SAP Seminar on “Vulnerable Cities, Hazards, Risks and Preparedness” at School of Environmental Studies, March, 2005.


*  Attended a Golden Jubilee lecture of PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry at Vigyan Bhawan, March 2005.


*  Attended Centenary lecture of Indian Science Congress Association on Science and Technology at India International Centre, Lodi Road.


*  Participated as judge of Paper Presentation on “Climatic Change in India”, at Annual Geography Festival of Kalindi College, University of Delhi, Dec 5, 2006.


*  Completed a Training Programme on “Design, Implementation, Operation, Monitoring and Maintenance of Rain Water Harvesting Systems in Urban Areas,” organized by Central Ground Water Board on Dec 21-22, 2006.


*  Attended a Book Release-cum-Presentation seminar on “Hindon River: Grasping for Breadth” organised by Janhit Foundation (NGO), Meerut, Jan 13 2007. 


*  Attended an International Conference on “Geo-Spatial Digital Learning, India- 2007” organized by Kirori Mal College at Convention Centre, University of Delhi, 17-18 Jan, 2006.


*  Attended a presentation on “e-Resources” at Central Science Library, University of Delhi, Feb 15, 2007.


*  Attended a UGC-SAP Seminar on “Special Economic Zone” organized by Deptt. Of Geography, University of Delhi, 16-17 March, 2007.


*  Attended a National Seminar on “Urban Planning: Challenges and Opportunities” at Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar College, University of Delhi, 30-31 March, 2007.


*  Attended National Conference on “Future Challenges of Disaster Management in India” organized by All India Foundation for Peace & Disaster Management, University of Delhi, Delhi, 7 July, 2007.


*  Completed a Workshop on “Existing Tools and Mapping Softwares in Geo-Spatial Applications” organized by Dept. of Geology, University of Delhi, Dec 6-7, 2007.


*  Attended UGC-SAP National Seminar on “Metropolitan Regional Planning - Status and Prospects” organized by Deptt. of Geography, University of Delhi, 14-15 March, 2008.


*  Participated as Rapporteur in International Conference on “Biodiversity, Environment and Sustainability: Challenges for Future”  organized by Swami Shradhanand College, University of Delhi, 4-6 Sept, 2008


*  Attended a National Workshop on “Food Security in India: Problems and ProspectsKirori Mal College, University of Delhi, 11-12 Dec, 2008


*  Participated in Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme of World Bank on “Water Summit organized by College of Technology, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar, Uttarakhnad, 19-21 Feb, 2009.


*  Attended UGC-SAP National Seminar on “Natural Resources, Inclusive Growth and Development” organized by Department of Geography, University of Delhi, 27-28 March, 2009


*  Attended National Workshop on “Information Technology and Disasters Management  organized by All India Foundation for Peace and Disaster Management, at School of Environmental Studies, University of Delhi, 25 April, 2009.


*  Completed Training Programme on “Hydroinformatics and Soft Computing in Water Sector”, National Water Academy, Pune, 4-8 May, 2009.


*  Attended International Youth Conference on “Sustainable Lifestyles: Consumption and Climate Change”, Kamala Nehru College, University of Delhi, 3 Aug, 2009. 


*  Attended Second India Disaster Management Congress, Vigyan Bhawan, 4 Nov, 2009.


*  Attended Panel Discussion on “India’s Coastal & Internal Security Post 26/11:  Review of the Strategic Challenges and Preparedness” organized by National Maritime Foundation and India International Centre, 24 Nov, 2009.


*  Participated as Rapporteur in 1st National Congress on “Role of Women in Disaster Preparedness” organized by All India Foundation for Peace and Disaster Management, American Centre, New Delhi, 15 Dec, 2009


*  Attended a workshop on “Ground Water Resource Estimation” oraganised by Central Ground Water Board in association with Civil Engineering Deptt, IIT Delhi, 23-24 Feb, 2010.


*  Attended International Seminar on “Contexualizing Geographical Approaches to Studying Gender in Asia” Deptt of Geography, University of Delhi, 3-5 Mar, 2010


*  Attended National Conference on “Women, Environmental Education & Cilmate Change” organized by All India Foundation for Peace and Disaster Management, American Centre, 28-29 May, 2010


*  Participated in Short Training on “Fire Disaster Mitigation Fire” at Delhi Fire Academy, Rohini, 4 July 2010


*  Participated in UGC sponsored short-term course on “Quality and Ethics in Research”, Academic Staff College, Kumaon University, Nainital, Uttarakhand, 6-8 July, 2010


*  Participated as Mentor in DST INSPIRE Internship Programme, Miranda House, 12-16 July, 2010


*  Attended “Delhi International Renewable Energy Conference”, India Expo Centre & Mart, Greater Noida, 27-29 Oct, 2010 


*  Attended International Conference on “Cooling the Earth: Tactics for Restoring Climate Order and Saving the Living Planet”, GB Pant Univ., Uttarakhand, 15-17 Nov, 2010


*  Attended seminar on “Scientific Computing, System Design & Verification using  MATLAB/Simulink” at Intercontinental Eros, New Delhi, 25 Nov, 2010


*  Organized a visit of students to National Science Centre, 1 Dec 2010.


*  Attended National Conference and Exhibition on “Technology Solutions for Rural Service Delivery”, organized by National Informatics Center at India Habitat Centre, 24 Mar 2011


*  Participated as panelist in National Workshop on “Youth, Technology & Disaster Risk Reduction”, organized by All India Foundation for Peace and Disaster Management at American Centre, 25-26 Mar 2011


*  Attended “BHUVAN” Workshop held at Developing Countries Research Centre, Univ. of Delhi, 30 Mar 2011


*  Attended Electronics & Information Exposition ELITEX 2011 on “e-Governance- Public Services Closer Home”, organized by Deptt. of Information Technology, Govt. of India at India Habitat Centre, 4 April 2011


*  Attended International Conference on “Environmental Knowledge for Disaster Risk Management”, organized by National Institute for Disaster Management and GIZ Germany at Vigyan Bhawan, 10-11 May 2011


*  Participated as resource person in 1st National Training on “Rainwater Harvesting” organized by All India Foundation for Peace and Disaster Management at International Guest House, Univ of Delhi, 16-19 Aug 2011


*  Attended National Seminar on “Pesticides, Food Safety and Environment” GB Pant Univ., Uttarakhand, 8 Nov, 2011


*  Attended UGC Sponsored Workshop on “Evaluation Methodology” organised by CPDHE, Univ of Delhi, 8-10 Nov, 2012.


*  Participated in National Conference on “Women, Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Mitigation” organized by All India Foundation for Peace and Disaster Management, S.G.T.B. Khalsa College, Univ of Delhi, 30-31 Jan, 2013


(c) Official positions held:

¨       Elected as executive member of Association of Geographical Studies (1998-99 and 2003-04),  and as member of editorial board (1999-2001)

¨       Member of editorial committee for the publication of Souvenir and Abstract volume of Ninth Conference (1998) of Indian Institute of Geomorphologists on “Geomorphology and Environmental Management”

¨       Elected as Joint Secretary of the Staff Association, Miranda House (2004-06) 

¨       Worked as Interim Secretary of the Association of Geographical Studies (2006-07), Regional Coordinator (2007-08)

¨       Elected as member of Executive Committee of Miranda House Alumnae Association (1998-2000, 2000-2002, 2006-08)

¨       Member of Governing Body of Miranda House (2008-09)


Biography published in Bhushan, R. and Natraj, M.S. (Eds.) REFERENCE INDIA: Biographical Notes About Men & Women of Achievement of Today & Tomorrow, 2003, Vol. I, p.38, Rifacimento International, New Delhi,


*  Pre-publication review of book titled “Physical and Economic Geography of India”, MacMillan Publishers.


Lectures delivered:

“Water Resource Assessment and Utilisation” in Post-graduate Refresher Course at Jamia Milia Islamia Teachers Training Institute on 11th June, 2002. and at Swami Shradhanand College, University of Delhi on 13th  March, 2007.

“Use of Open GIS Softwares and GPS” at Workshop organized by Association for Geographical Studies, University of Delhi on 3rd April, 2008.


  1. Membership of Professional/Academic Bodies

Membership No.


    1. Life Membership of Association for Geographical Studies, (AGS), University of Delhi                529


    1. Life Membership of National Association of Geographers of India (NAGI),  Delhi                                    L-1119
    2. Life Membership of Indian Science Congress (ISC),  Kolkatta                                                    L-8647


    1. Life Membership of Indian Association of Hydrologists (IAH), Roorkee                                                 LM-1114


    1. Associate Life Membership of Bhoovigyan Vikas Foundation, Delhi                                          A-21
    2. Membership of International Association of Hydrological Sciences, (IAHS), U.K.                                     L- 5971


      Professional Courses:


(i)                 UGC Sponsored 3 weeks Refresher Course on “Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems” in Geography at Academic Staff College, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi from 11th April, 2000 to 4th May, 2000.

(ii)          UGC Sponsored 4 weeks Orientation Course at Academic Staff College, Jawaharlal Nehru University from 9th April, 2001 to 4th May, 2001.

(iii)         UGC Sponsored 3 weeks Refresher Course on “Post Modernism in Geography” at Centre for Professional Development in Higher Education, University of Delhi from 9th Dec, 2003 to 30th Dec. 2003.

(iv)         DST Sponsored 8 week Refresher Course on “Remote Sensing and GIS Applications in Water Resources” at Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, Dehradun, 2nd May to 24th June, 2005.

(v)               ICAR Sponsored 3 weeks Training course on “Cropping System Approach for Food Security and Soil Quality”, GB Pant Univ., Uttarakhand, 7-27 Dec, 2010


Online Courses


Basic Hydrological Sciences



Digital Literacy


Public Health Training Centre, University of Michigan

Measuring Health Disparities

July 2013

Department of Personnel and Training, Government of India in association with Centre for Good Governance

Right to Information

20 Aug-3 Sep 2013

Centre for Development of Advanced Computing, Hyderabad, under the project Indian Development Gateway, supported by Department of Electronics and Information Technology, Govt. of India

Personal Finance & Money Management

27 Feb-29 Mar


American Museum of Natural History

The dynamic Earth: A Course for Educators

14Apr–12 May 2014

The Pennsylvania State University

Maps and the Geospatial Revolution

30 Apr-12 Jun 2014


Completed UGC Minor Project in physical sciences as part of PhD Programme on “Hydrological data network analysis for water resource planning in Lower Yamuna Basin: A case study of Betwa river catchment”


  1. Awards:


*  All Round Best Cadet of College NCC Company 1993-94

*  Awarded University Post-Graduate Fellowship for Top Rankers of Delhi University, 1994-96;

*  Awarded University Gold Medal for best candidate in M.A. Examination, 1996

*  UGC Junior Research Fellowship, UGC, 1997

*  First Young Geographer Award for best research paper titled “Hydrological Regions in the Bundelkhand Catchments of Betwa and Ken Rivers” presented at the 21st Indian Geography Congress on 4th January, 2000, Nagpur.

*  Silver Medal for standing second in order of merit during Refresher-cum-Promotion course in NCC at Officers’ Training academy, Gwalior, 20th July-18th Aug, 2007.


  1. Contribution to the corporate life of Institution:

(a) Curriculum development          Member of Syllabi revision committee of B.A. (Hons.) Geography – Paper XIII (Regional Planning) and Paper I (Earth System);

Member of Courses Committee (B.A. Pass) (2004-06)

(b) Extra/Co-Curricular activity Worked as NCC Staff Advisor for 3 and ½ years

Now working as Associate NCC Officer (Captain Rank) from July 2002 onwards;

Member of MH Vatavaran and website committee for two years; Enabling Committee for one year; Award Committee

(c) Administrative assignment   Member of Governing Body (2008-09)

In-charge of Geography Department for two terms (w.e.f 18-07-00 to 17-07-02 and from 21-08-07 to 20-08-09);

Admission Committee member for 5 yrs (1999, 2000, 2001, 2008 & 2009)

Co-Convenor of College House Exam for 2 years 2000-02, Miranda House 

                                                Deputy Superintendent of Category ‘B’ Exam 2000, University of Delhi